Company Profile

SatisFaction Strategies, founded in 1991, specializes in "Customer-Focused Change Initiatives" and "Satisfaction Measurement". Our successful methods draw on more than twenty years of experience in the satisfaction measurement field.

SatisFaction Strategies provides value far exceeding most research organizations. Our insights on customers, employees and processes mean we offer "leading edge" customer feedback consultation. As a result we provide far more than data. We provide blueprints for action.

SatisFaction Strategies is on its own "improvement journey". Our intent is to evolve in ways that enable us to create delighted and loyal clients. Some of our on-going improvement objectives include:

  • Search for best practices in gathering and using customer feedback.

  • Develop feedback processes that foster action and facilitate problem solving.

  • Apply a "systems level" approach to quality practices, and integrate these with the survey research and customer service disciplines.

  • Help clients create a culture for customer-focus by enabling front-line workers, and gaining front-line buy-in into the change process.

Each of these objectives are pursued in each and every project, as well as in our continuing commitment to professional development.

Our Fundamental Beliefs:

  • Effective customer feedback helps to build satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy and profits, while minimizing loss of customer loyalty due to preventable problems.

  • Effective customer feedback systems are supported at the top levels of management, but also embraced by front-line employees who provide service to customers.

  • To secure frontline commitment, leaders and managers must enable workers, engaging them in a "Customer-Focused Culture". Managers need to work with workers to identify the barriers preventing customer satisfaction and provide support to implement needed change initiatives.

  • Organizations should distinguish core customers from non-core customers. The needs and expectations for core and non-core customers are often different. Production & service delivery processes should be structured to meet and / or exceed the expectations of core customers.

  • Surveys and other forms of customer feedback provide measures of performance, relative to customer requirements and expectations.

SatisFaction Strategies, LLC, © 2007