We started SatisFaction Strategies to elevate and improve business practices in gathering and using customer feedback to build customer loyalty. One dimension of our approach has been to share what we have learned in our journey by writing and presenting technical papers at venues such as the World Conference for Quality Improvement (ASQ) and Customer - Supplier Division Conferences.We are pleased to make these papers available (at no charge) to those who share our interests.

All papers are in PDF format (requires Acrobat Reader, a free download from Adobe). If it isn't already on your system, click the icon at right to download. You may click the title of any paper to view and / or print it. Below each title is a brief summary to help you decide if you think the paper may be of interest to you.

Competing Through Passionate and Relevant Service
In this paper, my co-author and I sought to provide encouragement and practical ideas to leaders and managers who are seeking competitive advantage through superior service performance. This paper presents the key "mindsets for service" as well as primary constructs of passion - vital success factors - critical if employees are to deliver service from the heart. (©2005)

Alternative Designs and Methods for Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Research design and survey method selection comprise an important part of creating an effective CSM process. In addition to understanding the purpose and objectives for CSM (Israel, 2000), we can create a more effective CSM process by understanding the differences (tradeoffs and implications) between alternative research designs and survey methods. In CSM design, there is no standard "one-size fits all" approach. However, we can choose a method well suited to a particular situation and an approach that ensures value exceeds costs of the feedback system. The principal focus of this paper is on survey method selection given specific resource and customer population considerations. (©2002)

Enhance Your Quality System With Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Increasingly, organizations are using customer surveys for satisfaction measurement purposes. However, lacking a thorough understanding of key design issues and opportunities, organizations commonly fail to realize the full potential of the customer feedback process. Frequently, sub-optimal quality system integration is a key limiting factor. The purpose of this paper—in addition to providing some technical guidance—is to foster practitioner understanding of these key issues and opportunities. As a result, this understanding will aid practitioner success, foster feedback effectiveness and, ultimately, help the organization achieve higher levels of customer-focus. (©2000)

Building Trust In Key Customer - Supplier Relationships
Successful customers and suppliers share a commitment to achieving high performance, yet their interdependency requires a level of trust that is often not obtained. This is frequently because a working understanding of trust is lacking, and therefore, the question of how to build and maintain trust cannot be fully addressed. Before business partners undertake joint trust-building initiatives, we suggest both parties gain a strong understanding of several important trust concepts, including: the meaning of trust, the notion of "optimal trust", trust-readiness and an approach to assess trust-readiness. This paper describes these concepts, as well as other key foundational building blocks to optimize trust in key customer-supplier relationships. (©1999)

Feedback To Improve Core Customer Relationships:
A Framework To Implement Face-to-Face Surveys

This paper documents the approach taken by a silicon materials manufacturer to gather and use customer feedback to help strengthen relationships with core customers. The case study format details survey methods, question areas, and selected results. The paper should help other manufacturers looking to implement or improve their customer survey / feedback process. In addition, the research findings provide context regarding the nature of customer-supplier partnerships, from the perspective of customers. (©1997)

Increasing The Power Of Customer Satisfaction Measurement:
Barrier Surveys Facilitate Improvement Breakthroughs And Customer Focus

The pursuit of high levels of customer satisfaction has led many organizations to measure customer satisfaction. Their efforts however, often fail to maximize customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Measurement frequently falls short of its potential because employees fail to buy-in to the process. If employees have a chance to participate, instead of watching from the sideline, measurement effectiveness will improve dramatically. Barrier Surveys help, because they engage front-line employees in the core issues of customer satisfaction. Their involvement results in better measurement surveys, and provide a catalyst for customer-focused change.

Barrier surveys are the core element in a process that facilitates a stakeholder-driven measurement system. Barrier surveys differ radically from traditional organization climate surveys. While they can address employees' sense of well-being, their prime intent is to draw attention to the key barriers preventing customer satisfaction, within the service delivery system. (©1994)

Steps To Create A Successful Customer Satisfaction Measurement System
In developing a service strategy, survey results provide key compass headings to chart a customer-focused course. Tactical service improvements are aided when using regular customer feedback to provide readings for mid-course adjustments. This paper provides a "navigational chart", intended to integrate the use of surveys into a successful Customer Satisfaction Measurement System. (©1992)


SatisFaction Strategies, LLC, © 2007