Satisfaction Measurement Systems

For more than twenty years we've been helping clients implement customer surveys, regardless of their experience. If you've never done customer surveys, we can help you decide the best approach to meet your customer feedback objectives. Even if you have an established satisfaction measurement system, we can help you evaluate a number of options that will improve your ability to use customer satisfaction measurement with greater results in performance improvement. Regardless of your experience, we help organizations do a better job of measurement, which leads to greater success in matching performance to customer expectations.

The SatisFaction Strategies Difference

Not all research suppliers are created equally. One of the reasons so many companies provide customer satisfaction measurement services (CSM), is because each CSM client represents an annuity to the supplier. Most research organizations make their money from the fees they charge for data collection. While we provide full service for mail or web-based surveys, for many of our projects, data collection is often done by the client, fielded by one of their preferred suppliers, or conducted under our supervision.

We don't have the same motivation as other suppliers. Its not about how many surveys we do in a year, or even how much money we are charging. For us, it is to help each and every client attain the best results from the process that their organizations are capable of.

Other significant differences between us and most other research suppliers relate to focus, knowledge and experience.

Focus: Our whole business is centered around providing services that center on the customer; clarifying customer requirements, measuring satisfaction relative to expectations, and helping organizations identify key areas to leverage customer-focused change.

Knowledge: Our approach to the discipline of customer satisfaction measurement goes far beyond traditional marketing and survey research thinking. Over the last ten years we have immersed ourselves in developments in many disciplines linked to performance improvement and business effectiveness, focusing our learning in quality, customer service, employee involvement, leadership and management practices. We are committed to keep up and push the leading edge.

Experience: Because we limit the scope of our engagements to customer satisfaction related services, we keep getting better and better at our specialty. While we don't specialize in any set of specific industries, we have become quite expert in investigating nearly all types of customer relationships, whether the customer is a "consumer" in the general public, or a significant stakeholder in a key business - to - business relationship.

Our Services - How May We Help You?

  1. Clarify Role / Purpose of Satisfaction Measurement in your Organization

  2. Situation Assessments To Evaluate Current State, Challenges & Opportunities

    • Examine organization's service culture and commitment

    • Examine customer requirements for value, service process mapping, understand expectations across key "moments-of-truth"

    • Examine key environmental factors, including competition, economic conditions and technology considerations.

  3. Traditional CSM Services

    • Research design, including sample design, method selection and questionnaire development

    • Data collection: client training & support; full service mail and web-based surveys; and project management / third - party supplier supervision

    • Data entry, coding and tabulation

    • Analysis

    • Reporting and presentation

  4. Non-traditional Support

    • We sell, provide training and support a survey software product called SurveyTracker. This software is an outstanding product of Training Technologies and gives some clients additional capabilities that they need / want in their customer feedback system. The software offers outstanding features in survey design, data entry and powerful reporting. Can create instruments for any method, including mail, phone and web-based surveys.

    • Support for the "internal" customer feedback process owner. The skills to administer customer feedback systems are quite unique and specialized. We can help your specialist in any area of skill development through customized coaching, training and ad-hoc support.

Want more information? Please feel free to send us an e-mail now if you have questions about how we can help. Thanks for visiting our web site!

Site created by Heidi Monson (©2000)